Tagtical Partnership | Join Us in Our Event Management Franchise!

Tagtical Partnerships

Have you ever thought about joining an event management franchise? Or have you ever thought about bringing joy to people that will enjoy the event? Here at Tagtical, we are looking for potential partners that share the passion for bringing joy to people as well as working well in a team.

The best thing about joining us as a partner? After hosting your very first event, you will be able to profit with us here at Tagtical.

Why Join Us?

The reason why we started a partnership/franchise proposition at Tagtical Pte Ltd is that we wanted inspiring entrepreneurs to be able to start their own business through action. Afterall, reading is great and widens your mind in regards to different areas of lives as well as businesses, however, it’s not what happens in real life. Practice what’s happening in the real world with us today. What will you practice in Tagtical are as such:

  • Search Engine Optimization (Page Rank in Google)
  • Events Planning
  • Marketing In Different Platforms (i.e Facebook, Carousell)
  • Negotiation Process
  • Organization Of Teams
  • Working In Events

This is just a small sample size of what you will do! Then you can bring this skills out in the real world to build a successful empire or partner with someone else to build a successful event management franchise together!

We have connections

At Tagtical, we believe in this quote “Your network is your net worth”. Connections in business are important so in Tagtical we decide to build trust with various parties to expand our business and work. One of our partners before was actually a radio station! Look at our director Thomas sharing his experience as an entrepreneur with 883fm!








Don’t hesitate now, actions is a 100x better than just literal planning. Personally, if Thomas didn’t start his business venture 3 years ago, he will not be in the position he is in today!

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