Bubble Bump

Challenge your friends or colleagues to a match of soccer with a twist. You ARE IN A BUBBLE which you can bounce your friends away in pursuit towards your goal! The adrenaline after you are bounced off as well as holding your ground when your friend bounces on you just to see him bounce off is priceless! What Game is this you ask? BUBBLE BUMP!

bubble bump

The game is a tiring sport though, you will definitely feel that you had spent your money well after countless games! We also ensure that you will be safe at all times as well! SAFETY is our priority as well as we don’t want to see anyone injured during the games.

Bubble Bump Games

There are few types of bubble bump games, these includes:

  • Soccer (World Cup? Next thing you realized, you FLEW OFF!)
  • Bump Bump! (Bounce each other till they are out of the field)
  • Capture the Flag (Catch the flag when running in the BUBBLE?!)



Definitely, there are a few people that will be worried about bubble bump being unsafe and we at Tagtical have understood your concerns as well. Definitely, we will do whatever it takes to ensure that you are safe when you are playing Bubble Bump! These preventive and pre-caution measures include:

  • No poking of sharp objects on the bubble
  • Medical Team Availability
  • Medic Box as well
  • Ensuring that everyone wears covered shoes.

After ensuring that you are safe, we then proceed to start the game and you can have the most fun to play bubble bump with each other.


Price: $300/hr, 10 balls

Definitely if you have a bigger group, please feel free to contact us here! or Our Facebook Page! We may have an interesting proposition for you 😉

Let’s get ready to bounce each other around and have the BLAST of our time!



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